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Wednesday, August 31, 2011


“Oh, she’s fat she doesn’t need to be eating pizza””Oh, she is pregnant she looks about 15. You know she must of came from a broken household””Oh, he is gay, ewwww he better not touch me, he probably has aids”…… and the list goes on and on.

Video Inspiration: The Glee Project- Mad World

Yesterday, I made a thread at the “Coffee Shop” and I was just simply asking about experiences with stereotypical issues. It was amazing the feedback that I was getting and the encouragement that other bloggers were giving and relating to being stereotyped. EVERYONE no matter who you are has been stereotyped at one point of time or another. Whether it was knowingly or not!
I was pregnant at the age of 16. I went through a point where I felt so ashamed of myself. The stares I would get from random people. Some people where even bold enough to ask me how old was I and did I think about getting pregnant when I was having sex (and this was just a random person from off the street.) Then one day I just got tired of it and I just had to say this is my life and I know I may have not done right in my past but I need to stand up and make the best of it. I had to stop beating myself up over the situation or I wouldn’t be where I am today.
 I met a lot of wonderful people on that thread and hearing their experiences really just makes me want to do something about it. Some had mental illnesses, some were gay, some were stereotyped by size, color, and gender. It’s just not right! A lot of people get preconceived notions and just miss out on some really great people. All of the people that posted on my thread were some of the most interesting and amazing people I have met in a while. Their courage was unbelievable!
All I’m saying is that you put your guards up too fast you might miss out on some really great people. I understand that people group themselves with people that have similarities and that’s where they feel most comfortable. It’s called conformity. We tend to have a strong need to conform to groups because if we step out of our zone we are in risks of social rejection. So I understand where “stereotyping” comes from and I understand that a lot of people do it unknowingly. I’m just saying I think it’s something that people need to work on. 

Monday, August 29, 2011

Accepting Me For Who I am

No matter whom you are or what you think of yourself, you were put here for a reason. YOU are Special and there is NO ONE like YOU!

Learning to cope with who you are as a person maybe one of the hardest things ever to accomplish. Especially when the world around you is constantly judging you and it seems like your being evaluated each time you step out the door. People usually have gotten their first impression of you within the first 30 seconds of meeting you, and you know what they say first impressions DO count!

So with that being said, where do you start? First, you should stop worrying about what others say about you or think about you(character).  You are your own person and that’s what makes you, YOU! Everyone is not always going to like you and someone is always going to have something to say. So why not let it be about who you truly are.
Second, I would learn to start accepting your imperfections. You are original, no one on this planet is like you. No one has your exact eyes, teeth, ears, fingerprints, and most importantly…..YOUR THOUGHTS. Someone may have similar qualities but not even identical twins are exactly the same. If you don’t like your body size, or your hair color, or maybe even your eye color….change it. But make sure you are changing it for you and not for someone else! But know that your features and personality are what make you.
Third, I would say learn to focus on the things that you do like about yourself. Maybe you get a lot of compliments on your hair or maybe your eyes. Embrace the things that you do like about yourself. The more you focus on things that you do like about yourself the less time you will have to focus on the things you don’t. Keep reminding yourself of the things that you do like and sometimes it may take some time and digging to find those good qualities. But, all in all everyone has something that they like about themselves.
Last but certainly not least, develop positive thinking patterns. Your mind is a VERY powerful tool, at times maybe too powerful. Keeping a positive mind set can really ease things along. For example saying I like this about me or love how my whatever looks. Learn to shy away from the “I don’t like” and frowning when you look in the mirror. Embrace who you truly are and don’t let anyone tell you anything differently!

Song of Inspiration: TLC-Unpretty