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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Cashcrate Updated Review

Okay, so when I first told you about Cashcrate I was just giving you an overview of what it was and I really couldn't say much because I was just starting out myself. You can click here....  to see the first initial review.
You can earn money on Cashcrate by completing offers, doing surveys, and watching videos. There are a few stipulations as always. You have to collect $20 before they mail a check out to you. Which is pretty easy to do since each surveys averages about 80 cents and then that's it. They also have contests days on their site which is pretty cool. I'm not sure when the next will be, but I will be sure to let you know. I also forgot to tell you, you earn money from referrals also so click the link here:: http://www.cashcrate.com/3251253

Okay so YES, I am really liking Cashcrate. I just received my first check in the mail the other day.

It took a little less than week to process and make it to my mailbox.

So excited so click here:: http://www.cashcrate.com/3251253 to get started!!!


Monday, December 19, 2011

Dealing with Stress::Highschool

Well first of all when you dealing with anything you need to know what you dealing with first! So stress can be on so many levels. Truthfully we deal with stress everyday.

Stress in Highschool::
Highschool is a Stress filled enviroment just about every part of highschool is like a test. From people testing you and see how you react to things and how people place you in different types of groups and of course everyone knows actual school tests. So here's a little advice about how to deal with different types of stress-

School work and test:: The most stressful part of doing school work and having tests are the fact that sometimes it can be so overwhelming and the added on factor of being challenging. To deal with this kind of problem I would suggest what I call "stress relievers", stress relievers can be anything that makes you feel relaxed. Sometimes you need to change your environment. Being in a more peaceful place ie.(A quiet area,somewhere where you can get more one on one attention). In cases where that is not possible you may just need to put your head down and close your eyes for a minute and take your mind off what ever it is for the moment. One of my favorite stress relievers is music! Music can also create a more stressful environment/distraction so choose your music wisely. I would recommend something without any vocals. It doesn't mean that it has to be classical but you can also listen to instrumentals.

Don't let stress take you over! Try some of my stress relievers and let me know how everything turns out. These stress relievers can also be used in any situation not just school.


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Get it Together

::Personal Post::

Hey so this is more of a personal post from me and I really don't do these too often...rate my post at the bottom so I know whether or not to do more of these!

So what happens when the person that is always gives out advice and tries to help everyone else needs some advice of their own. Everyone hits a low point in their life at sometime. It's all about how you plan to get out of the low point and finding a way to stay out.
Right now I feel like I'm not giving 100% of me and its killing me! I want so much more out of life and I just feel like I'm not doing what I want to be doing. I just really want to LIVE my life. I'm only 20 and I have been through so much and accomplished so much! So many people doubted me and said I would never be where I'm at today and I'm here. But, I just know that I could be accomplishing so many things I always wanted too. I don't know if it's because I'm afraid or what's holding me back. I'm not sure. I don't know if its that I need support or what.

I know I'm sort of talking around my words but just email me @ xxsome1likemexx@gmail.com for advice, questions, or just someone to talk to!!!

-T. Lacy

Monday, November 14, 2011

Be Thankful♥

Hey I am so sorry for the little small post I have been doing....Writer's Block!

Something that has been really heavy on my heart....

Be Thankful for the people that are currently in your life and let you know that you appreciate and love them. This time of the year is known for celebrating festivities but also known for an increased number of fatalities. Just because they are today doesn't mean that they will be here tomorrow. Don't let someone slip away from you without you telling them how much you love and care about them!

Love Always and Happy Holidays.::
-T. Lacy♥

Friday, November 11, 2011

Some words of enCOURAGEment♥

.::Words of Encouragement::.

-Never let anyone tell you that you CAN'T do something! You can do anything you put your mind to. Never let anyone tell you that you will never be anything! You are "You", and that is a heck of a lot of Original that no one else could ever be! No matter who you are, you are the ONLY one that was made EXACTLY like you!

I am always here for advice, questions or just someone to talk to...
Email me @ xxsome1likemexx@gmail.com


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Need some sleep???

Whether it's you or someone your trying to put to sleep. Here are a couple of tips that might work for you!

First, I would suggest lights out. Turning the lights off can be a good way of letting your body know that its time for some sleep.
Next, I like to get comfortable. Find clothing that is most comfortable for you to sleep in. It's weird for me to sleep in my socks so I have to make sure they are off for me to go to bed.
Try listening to "white noise", it is something that usually puts babies to sleep very easily. Depending on what you have use your resources. I used to use a small desk fan and place it on my night stand facing me and it helped to put me to sleep. In the winter you could use a humidifier. The sounds from the fan/humidifier are also calming and helps to put you to sleep.
If all else fails....Try Youtube.

I love Youtube. It is so useful in many ways. Try searching rain noises or wave sounds. I recommend Yogaduke. He has so pretty awesome video and gets me to sleep FAST!
I will link one of his videos below.....

Good Night ♥

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Teens Making Easy Money Online

Here is a quick and easy way to make money online.

You can make money online by doing surveys and watching advertising videos. It's really easy and doesn't take up that much time. You can work at your own pace and do as many or as little as you like. You can also earn money by shopping online and earning a percentage of how much you spend through this site.
If you would like to sign up please click on the link below:

You can also earn points and trade in your points for gift card prizes and other things :)
So go ahead and click on the link above and get started making money!


Surviving a Teen Pregnancy Pt. 3

Okay So this is the last of the 3 part series of surviving a teen pregnancy. In this post I am going to be talking about Getting ready for the arrival of the baby and things that happen in the last 3 months of pregnancy.
Link to Part 1: http://xxsome1likemexx.blogspot.com/2011/10/surviving-teen-pregnancy-pt1.html
Link to Part 2: http://xxsome1likemexx.blogspot.com/2011/10/surviving-teen-pregnancy-pt2.html

Ok, so the last 3 months are going to be longest part of pregnancy. I'm pretty sure you are ready to just get it over with so that you can see you little bundle of joy! Things are really going to start feeling like your in slow motion, or at least as far as your pregnancy goes. Here are somethings that will help you speed time along.

Getting Maternity Pictures
 You can go and get them professionally done if you will like. Sometimes you can find coupons in your local newspaper cycle or you can even find coupons on the internet. They do not necessarily have to say maternity pictures, just as long as it isn't a holiday promotion. You can also get someone to take the pictures for you. Now, a lot of people have their own digital cameras and you can make your own maternity photo shoot. Be Creative!

Baby Shower
This is the thing everyone waits for during a pregnancy. Maybe one of the best parts besides the arrival of the baby. You should really try to get someone else to plan your baby shower for you or someone that will help assist you in preparing for the baby shower. Planning and preparing can be very stressful and you really don't need to be getting stressed out over this.
          -You should start planning for your baby shower 3 months before your due date and your actual baby shower should be about 2 months before your due date. I suggest having the shower this early because it gives you a chance to see what things you NEED after the baby shower and gives you time to get it. It is also good to have the shower a little early because remember the baby really can come at anytime!

         -Let me know if you have any ?'s, need advice or someone to talk to email me at                                                                                                    


Things you need to take baby home from hospital
There are a couple of essential things that you will need in order to take your baby home from the hospital.
Here is a list.
- Infant CarSeat
-A special "homecoming" outfit (Make sure you dress your baby appropriately for weather) and blankets
-Diapers and Wipes(The hospital will provide you with some but only enough to last you maybe a day or two)
-A crib or a Bassinet
-Feeding Supplies(Depends on whether you breast feed or bottle feed) I wouldn't recommend buying baby food before the baby is born because your baby might need a special formula if you are bottle feeding.

Packing your Hospital Bag for Delivery
Okay, so this is a very good idea to pack yourself a hospital bag for when you go deliver. It's a good idea to have this bag packed ahead of time so you can either just grab it and go or if someone is going to be with you they can just grab it and not have to look for anything. I would suggest packing 2 bags. One for a labor bag and One for Post Postpartum bag.Here are so essential things I would pack in my bag 1:
-Toothbrush and Toothpaste
-Lotion, Bodywash, and Deodorant
-Lipchap or Lipgloss
-Hair care things
-Music(Ipod, or CD)
-I also recommend something you can hold on to or squeeze like a teddy bear. This will help during contractions.

Bag 2:
-Nursing bras and nursing pads(you will need pads even if your not breastfeeding)
-Change of clothes
-Baby going home clothes and blankets (Dress appropriately for weather)
-Going home outfit for yourself(You will be about the size you were when you were about 6mths pregnant)
-Things for someone who will be staying at the hospital with you!

Email Me
You can feel free to email me about questions, advice, or just need someone to talk to at xxsome1likemexx@gmail.com


Stay tuned my next series will be Bringing baby home!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Beauty Deals♥♥♥

Hey I just wanted to let you know about a deal going on.

Full Size Urban Decay Primer Potion for $10!!!!! Great Deal Regularly $18
The urban decay primer potion is on sale at Hautelook (http://www.hautelook.com/short/Ses0).
Click on the link above to sign up and get your deal on the urban decay primer potion and it also comes with a  small primer potion in greed.
Hurry and go sign up this sale ends on Monday!!!!

They also have Michael Todd cosmetics for more than 50% off!

Link to sign up for Hautelook ::. http://www.hautelook.com/short/Ses0


Thursday, October 27, 2011

Surviving a Teen Pregnancy Pt.2

This is part 2 of the the Surviving a Teen Pregnancy. If you would like to see part 1, I will include the link here: http://xxsome1likemexx.blogspot.com/2011/10/surviving-teen-pregnancy-pt1.html

Ok, so now you got through the part with Telling your parents, the childs' father, and Finding support but it doesn't end there. Actually it doesn't end at all so now its time to start preparing yourself for LIFE! Your life will literally never be the same, and no not everything is going to bad, not saying that you won't have bad days. After all you are fully responsible for another human being. So In this post I will be talking about a couple of issues that may come about during your pregnancy and some that even last years!

Dealing with Stares and Negativity 
Ok, this not only goes for teen pregnancy but, it could be for any and everything. Some people feel the need to judge all the time. I particularly found that a lot of older women like over age 65 are really judgmental people. Not all, I either found they stared and gave me a dirty look or some where really concerned with how old I was and felt the need to ask me. Some where very nice and smiled sweetly, but their is always going to be someone out there judging you whether you know it or not. So what I learned to do with the people who stare and look at you like your crazy you simply smile back or say hi! They often will change their expression and usually stop staring at you. You can also just walk away.

Taking Responsibility
If you weren't already, now is the time to get responsible. You will need a lot of support with a baby and it's going to be mighty hard doing it all alone. The more responsibility others see you taking for yourself, the more respect they will have for you. Staying in school is a huge part of responsibility. Education is very important! If you can maintain it all you can get a job. While your in high school, school is more important than having a job unless you are in dire need of one. Remember that everything you do, it should be for the better good of your child and that will generally help you stay on the right track and learn to take responsibility into your own hands.

Contact Me
If you need someone to talk to, ask advice or anything you can email me at: xxsome1likemexx@gmail.com


Monday, October 24, 2011

Surviving a Teen Pregnancy Pt.1

So this is the beginning of my surviving a teen pregnancy series. I will try to break it down into a 3 part series because their is really a lot to be covered. After all you are pregnant for 9 months!

Accepting the Fact
First, accepting the fact that you are pregnant! Denial is the first thought that comes in your head (usually) in teen pregnancies. A lot of girls say that they feel pregnant or they missed a period but, they just go on with their daily activities and try to think nothing of it. But, you can only do that for so long. The best thing to do is to take a pregnancy test. You can buy them from most drugstores, or places like Walmart, or Target. Some of the prices might be a expensive. So I would recommend the following things: If you have a GYN(gynecologist) usually a OB/GYN(obstetrics/gynecology) I would make an appointment and say you need a pregnancy test and they will handle everything! Depending on where you live you could visit a clinic and you can find a lot of free clinics here: http://findahealthcenter.hrsa.gov/Search_HCC.aspx?byCounty=1
and lastly where I live there is a place called Birthright it is free and confidential and they also offer free counseling and explains to you that you have choices! I will post the website here for you to find more information :http://www.birthrightstl.org/index.htm.

Okay, so maybe you found out that you are pregnant. Now, what should you do. First thing that I would suggest is that you let someone know. I know how judgmental some friends and family can be so you need to let someone that you trust and that you know will support you. I know know it may be hard but, remember you are not the only pregnant teenager! TRUST ME!

Telling your Parents/Caregiver that you are pregnant
Yes, I'm telling you now this is not going to be that easy. Different people take things different ways. I always remember my mom telling me that if I got pregnant that she was going to put me in a girls home and all kinds of things. Well, I actually wrote a letter to my mom telling her that I was pregnant and she just balled it up and threw it at me. She didn't really talk to me that day but, the next day she sat down and told me that she loved me! She let me know that I WAS going to finish school and take care of my child and that she was disappointed but she still loved me. Its not going to be like that for everyone but, the earlier you tell your parents the better off you will be.

Finding Support from Others
Next thing I suggest you do, if you are school......STAY IN SCHOOL! You should talk to one of your schools counselors and talk to your teachers and let them know your situation. I was pregnant my junior year and I let all of my teachers know and my counselor and they were very helpful and understanding. They really worked with me so that I could stay in school. Also my OB/GYN was also very helpful. I had really bad morning sickness throughout my whole pregnancy and I missed a lot of school. So my doctor actually made it to where if I would need it, I could get in home tutoring. If you have a really close friend or someone you should also talk to them about it. They may not understand everything if they never been in your situation but at least someone that will listen to you.
You can always feel free to email me anything, if you have questions, need advice, or anything at: xxsome1likemexx@gmail.com

Telling the father of the child
This can turn out many of ways. The father may or may not want to be a part of the childs' life. Most of them deny the child and this not only happens in teen pregnancies but as well with usually unmarried adults. So lets talk about the father you tell him and he wants to be a part of the childs' life that's fine best case scenario! If that's what you want. Then there's the one that says he knows that's his child but doesn't want to be there. You can either say ok, I don't want my child around someone who doesn't want to be in my childs' life. Go on with your life and do the best you can for your child and wait until you find someone that wants to be the father figure to your child. If that doesn't work for you, you can file for child support and that will help financially but that still will not fix the emotional factor that comes from the father not wanting to be in the childs' life. The father that denies the child, when you have your child, you can say ok I would like a paternity test. I'm not sure but, I believe the only way you can get it for free is if you file for child support and the father says he would like a paternity test. Which most of them will cause they are not going to pay child support for a child that's not theirs.

Well this about wraps up part 1 of surviving a teen pregnancy. In part 2 I will talk about certain issues that occur with pregnancy. Feel free to ask any questions in the comment section!

If you would like to ask private questions, ask for advice or you need anything you can email me at:

Hugs and Kisses♥♥♥

Girl Where you been???

Yeah, I know I been missing and not in action...LOL! But Baby I'm back♥

So much has been going on with me over the about last month and a half! My husband and I recently bought our 1st home in August and we have been working on it and trying to make it perfect before moving in. It was a long drawn out process but definitively worth it! I just can't believe how much of a difference owning your own home feels! Their are a lot of extras that come with a house, being that we moved from a small apartment but, we plan to make everything work out for the better. We also wanted to be done and moved into our new home by our 1st wedding anniversary and YES WE DID IT! We celebrated our 1st wedding anniversary on Oct. 21 and It was one of the most memorable nights that I will ever have! He had to work but, when he got home...it was ON! I had a big dinner waiting for him and he lit up the fire pit and we made smores' and talked and drank...it was really a lot of fun!

On to a little more less exciting part. On September 24 my sister gave birth to stillborn baby.
                                                         RIP Da'Sean Kaden
For a lot of people its not as serious of a deal but when its totally unexpected and something goes wrong during delivery it can be very heartbreaking. I just really wanted to be there for my sister and give her all the support that I could. This was just a really hard thing for my family and all the love and prayers that we received was just a blessing!

So I have a couple of posts on my mind that I would like to share...just a matter of me typing it out and posting it!

Love ya Bunches♥♥♥

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Women vs. Girls

Come on now, really, when are you going to grow up?

The very statement, "I'm grown", is what defines you as still childish. A true grown woman does not have to protest that is she indeed "grown". You can tell a grown woman from the way she presents herself and carries herself among others. See, the difference between girls and women is; girls want attention and women want respect. You know like, some girls just run around and always want to draw attention to themselves by doing things that make them look foolish. Whether, its what they wear(or maybe what they don't), the attitudes, the fighting, it's really all just non-sense to me. A woman gets noticed by the achievements she makes and the positive attributions to life. She gets respect by just simply being her!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Cell phone Post

ok so i am doing this post from my cellphone so please excuse any gramatical errors or any other errors for that matter. so i can't go to sleep right now and i have a lot on my mind so i thought this would be the perfect time to write a post! ok so on to the post. you can't change who a person is or what the person will become. as much as i would like my daughters to be successful ,I however can not make them successful thats is something that they have to do and want themselves. i can push them and tell them until i am blue in the face and if thats not what they want then i mean so long to my dreams. ever heard the saying every man for himself. well, i put a little twist on the meaning. to me it means every man live, thinks, and does for himself and that includes everyone babies, teens, adults, elders! you can give a baby a bottle but if they don't want to drink it their not going to drink it. same follows for all ages!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Get to Know Me:: Part 1

1. What is your first name?:
2. Drama?

3. Are you a girly girl?:I would same I'm in between

4. Who was the last person you hugged?:Hubby

5. Small or large purses?:
The bigger the better!

6. Are you short?:
5'4 you determine

7. Do you like somebody:
My Husband
8. What would you do if someone smacked your butt?:
depends on who it is and if they were joking around haha

9. Do you care if your socks are dirty?:
Yes, I hate dirty socks!

10. Do you dress up on Halloween?:
Not really, may put on some makeup

11. Are you double jointed?:
Yes, If your saying can I put my arms behind my head

12. Where is the weirdest place you have slept?:IDK never really slept in a weird place

13. Has anyone touched/smacked your butt in the past 24 hours?:

15. Do you call anybody by their last name?:
Used to in highschool

16. How many guys will read this just because it says “Girl Confessions”?:

“X” Marks the Spot:

[x] I do wear make up
[] I have cried at a movie theater.
[x] I can put mascara on without opening my mouth.
[] I get jealous.
[x] I think Johnny Depp is sexy.
[x] I love to laugh.
[] I like death/grind/black metal.
[x] I like rap.
[] I like country
[] I carry a purse.
[x] I’d be lost without my computer.
[x] I own a Spice Girls CD.
[x] I own a Britney Spears CD.
[x] I own a boy band CD.
[] I get bored watching football.
[] I’ve never been called a spoiled brat.
[x] Guys are confusing.
[x] I’ve been called a bad influence.
[] I have/had a piercing other than my ears.

17. What color is your bra that your wearing?:

18. Do you prefer light or dark haired guys?:

19. Are you currently frustrated with a boy?:

20. Do you have a best friend(s)?:
My hubby...I know I'm so lame!

21. Have you ever had your heart broken?:
yup :(

22. Have you ever thought of having plastic surgery?:
Kinda.. Just keeping it real.

23. Do you like your life?:

24. Has one of your friends ever stolen a boyfriend from you?:
yeah, i think like in elementary but, i didn't care...lol "she can have my leftovers"
25. Have you ever jumped in the pool with your clothes on?:
I've been pushed in the pool with my clothes on

26. Do you have more friends that are girls or boys?:
i think boys

27. How long have you had Facebook?:
3 years

28. Have you ever slapped a boy in the face? :
haha yes

29. What are your biggest fears?:life

30. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?:

31. Have you ever not been able to get someone off of your mind?:
yea :(

32. Do you believe in the saying “once a cheater, always a
depends on the person

33. Have you ever had a good feeling about something?:

34. Do you ever wish you were famous?:

35. Are you currently missing someone?

This guy or that guy? this guy

Punk/Goth or Gangster?: neither ...

Preppy or Cowboy?: preppy!

Face or Body?: body

Sweet or Sexy?: mixture of both would be nice.

Well-educated or Dropout?: well educated

Armani or Abercrombie?: armani

City-slicker or Rural Guy?: both, a good balance.

Blue, Green, Grey, or Brown eyes?: brown or grey

Contacts or Glasses?: either

More Questions.

36. Eyeliner or Mascara?: mascara

37. Louis Vuitton or Dooney & Bourke?: Dooney

38. Pumps or flats?: Pumps

39. Skirts or pants?: Depends

40. Socks or leggings?: no show socks

41. Hoodies or jackets?: hoodies

42. Heels or sneakers?: Heels

43. Straight or curly hair?: straight

44. Hoop or dangling earrings?: studs

45. White or black?: black &white...lol

46. Victoria’s Secret or Bath and Body Works?: victoria’s secret

47. Smoothies or lattes?: smoothies

48. Diet or regular sodas?: neither...tea

49. Water or daiquiris?: water

50. Pearls or diamonds?: pearls

51. Vintage or boho?: vintage

52. Mary-Kate or Ashley Olsen?: Ashley

53. Lindsay or Hilary?: Hilary!

54. Ipod or cell phone?: cell phone

55. Friends or family?: Family.. Friends are the family we choose :)

56. Lip gloss or lip stick?: gloss

57. Manicure or pedicure?: pedicure

58. Tiffany’s or Chanel?: chanel

59. Love or peace?: both

60. Sunglasses or purses?: Purses.. I can use them to shield the light haha

In a girl or guy…

Funny or Serious?: funny

Romantic or Daredevil?: both

Cute or Hot?: either

Dark Eyes or Light Eyes?: depends

Long Hair or Short Hair?: depends

Curly Hair or Straight Hair?: doesn't matter

Clean-cut or Rough?: clean cut

Good Dancer or Good Singer?: both

Basketball Player or Football Player?: football

Jock or Rebel?: jock

Smoker or Non-smoker?: non smoker

Druggie or Clean?: clean

Has a Motorcycle or Has a Sports Car?: sports car or motorcycle

Beard/Mustache or Clean-shaven?: clean shaven

Younger or Older?: sames

Player or Loyal?:loyal

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Friendship:When 1 side is sinking

Did you know that there is a difference between a friend and an acquaintance? A friend is someone that you have a connection with and you feel like you can tell them anything, and you always want to be around that person, do everything with that person. An acquaintance is someone who just happens to be there and come in your life and you get comfortable with it and basically-they are just there to be company. It is very important to know the difference. I think where people start messing up is when they start letting the people that should be an acquaintance become a very close friend.

Well let me give you some examples of what I think is an acquaintance misclassified as a friend. If you tell your “friend” something that went on with you and your boyfriend last night and then a week later your whole school knows about it. Or every time you have conversations with this person, you seem to be the one that’s telling all your information and they are the one listening. Then when you’re done they don’t give you any feedback back or have something to tell you or they only tell you half of their story and later on you find out that things went down totally different then what they said. I know everyone knows this one; The friend your always doing favors for and going out of your way when they need your help but when the tables are turned they always have an excuse of why they can’t help you or why they can’t do something.  All of these scenarios I would put that “friend” in the acquaintance category. There is nothing wrong with being friends with someone like this, but maybe you need to either let them be and fall back on things that you are doing for them or maybe something that they are doing to you that you don’t like. You need to communicate and let them know. Yes, they may be mad but, if they are a true friend they will realize it and get over it. If this is you being the( acquaintance friend) then maybe you need to show that person that you appreciate what they do, or start doing something for them, or keep your mouth close when it comes to them telling you their personal information they only want you to know. They told you for a reason, they thought they could TRUST you!

My thing that I want you to get out of this post is: Watch who you tell your business to and if they are telling it to you keep your mouth close. You need to learn to tell a person only what you want them to know. If they are an acquaintance then maybe you shouldn’t be telling them all your business unless you truly trust this person. I know it’s hard but, I promise it will help you in the long run.

"True friendship is based on trust, honesty and sincere generosity of our hearts."
---Song Park

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Busy as a BEE

Hey everyone this is just a small post to let you know what's been going on with me lately. I will have some new posts coming very soon, I have just been VERY busy with life and I am WORN out! Will get new posts up ASAP!
Love ya

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Love 101

Never chase love, affection, or attention. If it’s not given freely, then it’s not worth having! You should never have to beg for something that should naturally be given to you. If you mean a lot to someone then, they will try to keep you in their life…If not move on….don‘t waste your time on someone who doesn’t care about you. You should never have to question whether or not someone loves you. If they truly love you, you will know. It’s like a feeling that is unexplainable, you may not even know what exactly it is but, you know that it’s just something there. I remember my husband (my then boyfriend) telling me, “It’s something about you, and I don’t know what it is and I don’t even have to figure it out. I just know that you’re different from everybody else. I don’t want to find out what it is because I feel like that’s when the relationship gets boring.” That was 3 years ago and I still don’t know if he figured it out yet but, what he didn’t know was when you do figure it out that’s when you elaborate on whatever it is and cherish every bit of it. Then, I would know for sure how to love you right! Guess we’re doing a pretty good job at it…we’re still married! Although, this is my story, it’s not going to be the same for you. Everyone loves differently and everyone wants to be loved a certain way. So I can’t tell word for word what it's like to be loved. Not everyone knows how to do this and it’s a skill that I believe is acquired with TRUE LOVE.
Inspiration Video: Keyshia Cole-This is US

Always remember that no one can tell you how YOU are feeling. That goes for any topic. No one can tell you who you love and who you don’t. You are in control of your OWN life. Of course, you may be need guidance but ultimately it’s all up to you.
Love ya
-T. Lacy 

Friday, September 2, 2011

You live to Learn

“By 3 methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is the noblest; second, by imitation, which is the easiest; and third, by experience, which is the bitterest.”-Confucius
Song of inspiration: Brittany Spears- Stronger

Life doesn’t come with a manual. You have to just learn how to roll with the punches and sometime those punches may really hurt but those are the ones that make you stronger! I’m sure you heard the quote, “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”!  That is absolutely true. Every day is a lesson learned. You learn something new whether you know it or not. Learning how to take obstacles that you run into and learning from it, is LIFE! Whether, it is big or small. Maybe you get into a fight with your best friend over something that you told his/her big brother. Your friend gets mad and you promise to never do it again. Lesson learned. Learning by experience may be one hard thing to do but, I guarantee it will be the most memorable.

You always hear your parents/grandparents telling you, “I’ve been there before” or “Learn from my mistakes”. Learning from others is maybe one of the easiest ways to learn but, may be one of the hardest to follow. I personally don’t really like others telling me what to do. I do listen, but, I like to basically do what I want to do and then whatever happens, happens! Sometimes there are times when I wish I would have listened but me being the person that I am. I just had to see for myself.

The last but, not the least learning from YOU. This is just a little bit different from learning by experience. This is like looking in the mirror and seeing that you did something right and you liked the way it made you feel. It goes the same way with things you don’t like about yourself. This is the truest way of learning.
When you live to learn: You learn to live. 

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


“Oh, she’s fat she doesn’t need to be eating pizza””Oh, she is pregnant she looks about 15. You know she must of came from a broken household””Oh, he is gay, ewwww he better not touch me, he probably has aids”…… and the list goes on and on.

Video Inspiration: The Glee Project- Mad World

Yesterday, I made a thread at the “Coffee Shop” and I was just simply asking about experiences with stereotypical issues. It was amazing the feedback that I was getting and the encouragement that other bloggers were giving and relating to being stereotyped. EVERYONE no matter who you are has been stereotyped at one point of time or another. Whether it was knowingly or not!
I was pregnant at the age of 16. I went through a point where I felt so ashamed of myself. The stares I would get from random people. Some people where even bold enough to ask me how old was I and did I think about getting pregnant when I was having sex (and this was just a random person from off the street.) Then one day I just got tired of it and I just had to say this is my life and I know I may have not done right in my past but I need to stand up and make the best of it. I had to stop beating myself up over the situation or I wouldn’t be where I am today.
 I met a lot of wonderful people on that thread and hearing their experiences really just makes me want to do something about it. Some had mental illnesses, some were gay, some were stereotyped by size, color, and gender. It’s just not right! A lot of people get preconceived notions and just miss out on some really great people. All of the people that posted on my thread were some of the most interesting and amazing people I have met in a while. Their courage was unbelievable!
All I’m saying is that you put your guards up too fast you might miss out on some really great people. I understand that people group themselves with people that have similarities and that’s where they feel most comfortable. It’s called conformity. We tend to have a strong need to conform to groups because if we step out of our zone we are in risks of social rejection. So I understand where “stereotyping” comes from and I understand that a lot of people do it unknowingly. I’m just saying I think it’s something that people need to work on. 

Monday, August 29, 2011

Accepting Me For Who I am

No matter whom you are or what you think of yourself, you were put here for a reason. YOU are Special and there is NO ONE like YOU!

Learning to cope with who you are as a person maybe one of the hardest things ever to accomplish. Especially when the world around you is constantly judging you and it seems like your being evaluated each time you step out the door. People usually have gotten their first impression of you within the first 30 seconds of meeting you, and you know what they say first impressions DO count!

So with that being said, where do you start? First, you should stop worrying about what others say about you or think about you(character).  You are your own person and that’s what makes you, YOU! Everyone is not always going to like you and someone is always going to have something to say. So why not let it be about who you truly are.
Second, I would learn to start accepting your imperfections. You are original, no one on this planet is like you. No one has your exact eyes, teeth, ears, fingerprints, and most importantly…..YOUR THOUGHTS. Someone may have similar qualities but not even identical twins are exactly the same. If you don’t like your body size, or your hair color, or maybe even your eye color….change it. But make sure you are changing it for you and not for someone else! But know that your features and personality are what make you.
Third, I would say learn to focus on the things that you do like about yourself. Maybe you get a lot of compliments on your hair or maybe your eyes. Embrace the things that you do like about yourself. The more you focus on things that you do like about yourself the less time you will have to focus on the things you don’t. Keep reminding yourself of the things that you do like and sometimes it may take some time and digging to find those good qualities. But, all in all everyone has something that they like about themselves.
Last but certainly not least, develop positive thinking patterns. Your mind is a VERY powerful tool, at times maybe too powerful. Keeping a positive mind set can really ease things along. For example saying I like this about me or love how my whatever looks. Learn to shy away from the “I don’t like” and frowning when you look in the mirror. Embrace who you truly are and don’t let anyone tell you anything differently!

Song of Inspiration: TLC-Unpretty