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Monday, October 24, 2011

Girl Where you been???

Yeah, I know I been missing and not in action...LOL! But Baby I'm back♥

So much has been going on with me over the about last month and a half! My husband and I recently bought our 1st home in August and we have been working on it and trying to make it perfect before moving in. It was a long drawn out process but definitively worth it! I just can't believe how much of a difference owning your own home feels! Their are a lot of extras that come with a house, being that we moved from a small apartment but, we plan to make everything work out for the better. We also wanted to be done and moved into our new home by our 1st wedding anniversary and YES WE DID IT! We celebrated our 1st wedding anniversary on Oct. 21 and It was one of the most memorable nights that I will ever have! He had to work but, when he got home...it was ON! I had a big dinner waiting for him and he lit up the fire pit and we made smores' and talked and drank...it was really a lot of fun!

On to a little more less exciting part. On September 24 my sister gave birth to stillborn baby.
                                                         RIP Da'Sean Kaden
For a lot of people its not as serious of a deal but when its totally unexpected and something goes wrong during delivery it can be very heartbreaking. I just really wanted to be there for my sister and give her all the support that I could. This was just a really hard thing for my family and all the love and prayers that we received was just a blessing!

So I have a couple of posts on my mind that I would like to share...just a matter of me typing it out and posting it!

Love ya Bunches♥♥♥


  1. How great you celebrated your 1st wedding anniversary in your new home, so sweet!

    Sorry to hear about your sister loss. It is a hard time for all family and should not be taken lightly. May time help her heal.
