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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Surviving a Teen Pregnancy Pt.2

This is part 2 of the the Surviving a Teen Pregnancy. If you would like to see part 1, I will include the link here: http://xxsome1likemexx.blogspot.com/2011/10/surviving-teen-pregnancy-pt1.html

Ok, so now you got through the part with Telling your parents, the childs' father, and Finding support but it doesn't end there. Actually it doesn't end at all so now its time to start preparing yourself for LIFE! Your life will literally never be the same, and no not everything is going to bad, not saying that you won't have bad days. After all you are fully responsible for another human being. So In this post I will be talking about a couple of issues that may come about during your pregnancy and some that even last years!

Dealing with Stares and Negativity 
Ok, this not only goes for teen pregnancy but, it could be for any and everything. Some people feel the need to judge all the time. I particularly found that a lot of older women like over age 65 are really judgmental people. Not all, I either found they stared and gave me a dirty look or some where really concerned with how old I was and felt the need to ask me. Some where very nice and smiled sweetly, but their is always going to be someone out there judging you whether you know it or not. So what I learned to do with the people who stare and look at you like your crazy you simply smile back or say hi! They often will change their expression and usually stop staring at you. You can also just walk away.

Taking Responsibility
If you weren't already, now is the time to get responsible. You will need a lot of support with a baby and it's going to be mighty hard doing it all alone. The more responsibility others see you taking for yourself, the more respect they will have for you. Staying in school is a huge part of responsibility. Education is very important! If you can maintain it all you can get a job. While your in high school, school is more important than having a job unless you are in dire need of one. Remember that everything you do, it should be for the better good of your child and that will generally help you stay on the right track and learn to take responsibility into your own hands.

Contact Me
If you need someone to talk to, ask advice or anything you can email me at: xxsome1likemexx@gmail.com


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