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Thursday, September 8, 2011

Friendship:When 1 side is sinking

Did you know that there is a difference between a friend and an acquaintance? A friend is someone that you have a connection with and you feel like you can tell them anything, and you always want to be around that person, do everything with that person. An acquaintance is someone who just happens to be there and come in your life and you get comfortable with it and basically-they are just there to be company. It is very important to know the difference. I think where people start messing up is when they start letting the people that should be an acquaintance become a very close friend.

Well let me give you some examples of what I think is an acquaintance misclassified as a friend. If you tell your “friend” something that went on with you and your boyfriend last night and then a week later your whole school knows about it. Or every time you have conversations with this person, you seem to be the one that’s telling all your information and they are the one listening. Then when you’re done they don’t give you any feedback back or have something to tell you or they only tell you half of their story and later on you find out that things went down totally different then what they said. I know everyone knows this one; The friend your always doing favors for and going out of your way when they need your help but when the tables are turned they always have an excuse of why they can’t help you or why they can’t do something.  All of these scenarios I would put that “friend” in the acquaintance category. There is nothing wrong with being friends with someone like this, but maybe you need to either let them be and fall back on things that you are doing for them or maybe something that they are doing to you that you don’t like. You need to communicate and let them know. Yes, they may be mad but, if they are a true friend they will realize it and get over it. If this is you being the( acquaintance friend) then maybe you need to show that person that you appreciate what they do, or start doing something for them, or keep your mouth close when it comes to them telling you their personal information they only want you to know. They told you for a reason, they thought they could TRUST you!

My thing that I want you to get out of this post is: Watch who you tell your business to and if they are telling it to you keep your mouth close. You need to learn to tell a person only what you want them to know. If they are an acquaintance then maybe you shouldn’t be telling them all your business unless you truly trust this person. I know it’s hard but, I promise it will help you in the long run.

"True friendship is based on trust, honesty and sincere generosity of our hearts."
---Song Park

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